Aaron went back to school yesterday and Canon is in daycare, so I feel
like this week actually marks the beginning of my maternity leave. Just
me and Ben getting to know each other and hopefully establishing some
routines before I go back to work at the end of February. With maternity leave
"starting" and the beginning of a new year coinciding, it was an obvious time for me to
be thinking about what I want out of these next 8 weeks and this
upcoming year. Aaron and I had a quick discussion about family goals for 2015 the other night and here is our rough draft.
Obviously, those second 3 goals are to prepare for the transition of me back to work, but I really want everything I do the next 8 weeks to fall under the first goal - to enjoy the newborn/baby stage. I was actually just "interrupted" while writing this by that sweet crying newborn and instead of getting him settled and racing back to the computer, I let him lay on me for a good 20 minutes. All I could think during that time was "don't wish this away. He will never be this little again. There will always be something to finish on my to do list, but he won't always snuggle like this". So my big goal is to remind myself of that even when I'm not mostly sleeping through the night or his naps are crazy. Those must come secondary to enjoying him while this season lasts.
My hope is to return to these at the end of everything month and evaluate how we are doing. If anyone has any great advice on minivans (and convincing husbands they are necessary) or pumping at work, (or anything else) I'd love to hear them!!!
Also, I want to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom! She is the best mom and MoMo around! I am so glad we live near each other and that we get to see each other often. I especially appreciate all the ways you have cared for me as I've become a mom myself. Hope your (snowy) day is wonderful!
Schultz Family 2015 Goals
pay off debt
take a trip to New Orleans or Nebraska
say the Lord’s Prayer with Canon each night
get a minivan (okay this is more one of my goals)
date night 1x/month
read the Augsburg Confession together
host at our apartment 1x/month
My Maternity Leave Goals
enjoy the newborn/baby stage
get this baby sleeping mostly through the night
get him on a good napping schedule
figure out pumping at work
exercise 20 min every day
have coffee with a friend 1x/week
do something spiritual everyday – reading,
writing, praying or listening
Obviously, those second 3 goals are to prepare for the transition of me back to work, but I really want everything I do the next 8 weeks to fall under the first goal - to enjoy the newborn/baby stage. I was actually just "interrupted" while writing this by that sweet crying newborn and instead of getting him settled and racing back to the computer, I let him lay on me for a good 20 minutes. All I could think during that time was "don't wish this away. He will never be this little again. There will always be something to finish on my to do list, but he won't always snuggle like this". So my big goal is to remind myself of that even when I'm not mostly sleeping through the night or his naps are crazy. Those must come secondary to enjoying him while this season lasts.
My hope is to return to these at the end of everything month and evaluate how we are doing. If anyone has any great advice on minivans (and convincing husbands they are necessary) or pumping at work, (or anything else) I'd love to hear them!!!
Also, I want to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom! She is the best mom and MoMo around! I am so glad we live near each other and that we get to see each other often. I especially appreciate all the ways you have cared for me as I've become a mom myself. Hope your (snowy) day is wonderful!
I just cried reading about you stepping away to let that sweet boy sleep on your for 20 minutes. You know this already but it goes by way too fast!! Love your goals, especially the one about convincing the hubby that y'all need a minivan. HA! Don't know if you saw, but E and I are going to start sharing our monthly goals too and we're bringing back the confessions on the 15th of this month. I'd love for you to join us with some of your confessions since your posts always either make me crack up or cry, or often times both. :) You're such a good mama, Katie!! Love on that little boy lots today!