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Showing posts from October, 2017

Ben - 3 things

My sweet Ben. You are closing in on 3 now (just 2 more months), but I want to write about your 2nd year before we move on to another! 1. Over the course of the spring and summer, I would say your vocabulary, articulation and emotion really took off. You can express everything you need and talk almost as much as your brother! You are funny and silly and kind. You give big hugs unprompted and just yesterday said to me "Mommy, you are my best friend!" The first child to say that to me, by the way. 2. You love school and had no problem transitioning to a new classroom this year. You are in the Butterflies, but keep telling me it is the "big boy" class. And each day when we pass your old room you say "that's my old class, when I was 2". 3. Over Columbus Day weekend we did the 3-day potty training bootcamp. You rocked it! We told you all week long that we were going to throw away your diapers and you were so excited to get underwear. Armed with juice a