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what's going on

We're starting to try some rice cereal. I've been pretty sporadic about it, but after his 6 month appointment (which is NEXT WEEK!) I'll start putting "solids" into our every day routine. 


Canon has found his feet! Now every diaper change is just the most fun, trying to get those toes into his mouth!


Canon is officially rolling over, both sides! This particular picture happened when I had gone into my bedroom for a hot second and came out to find him on his tummy! He can do it regularly now, though he doesn't love being on his tummy and rolls back over quickly. 

Other things going on:
Canon is officially sleeping unswaddled!! I guess around 2 weeks ago, we started again with the one arm out and went from there. He now sleeps in a fleece sleep sack with arms. I'm not going to lie, the process wasn't quite as daunting as I had originally thought, but I think that is because we waited until he was really ready. 

I am now subbing at an Early Learning Center at a local Lutheran Church/School. I had my first day yesterday, in one of the 4 year old classrooms. And yes, that meant that Canon went to day care. I found an affordable, quality place that is about a mile and a half from our house. He seemed to have a great time, they said that he was very happy and they were impressed by how able he was to put himself to sleep! Way to go!! So far he'll just be there Wednesdays for the next few weeks. 
I enjoyed my time subbing as well. 4 year olds are so funny! The Center is 18 months up to 4 yr old Pre-School, so hopefully I'll get to make my rounds. 

I'm a week into the 45 day Fit Challenge. The working out is going really well! I've been consistently doing either Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD or going to the gym and running from the C25k program.  This past Saturday I felt so good that I did two days of the program in one workout! The eating Paleo/more nutritiously is going...okay. It really all depends on what we have in the house, and sometimes that is not much, ha! I think I've lost about 2 lbs and I even went to Micheals and bought one of those sewing measuring tapes so I could take my own. I'm hoping I'll be able to report some inches lost as well! 

So, that is about all that is going on here. We go in for Canon's 6 months appointment next week, which I can hardly believe. And Happy 2nd Birthday to my nephew Cole this Sunday!! Goodness gracious, where is the time going?? 


  1. Love this updates! Cannon is so cute and such a happy laid back baby. Keep enjoying every little thing he's so much fun! love to all 3 of u

    1. thank you Mama Lee!!
      Will you be around the last week of March? We're hoping to do some driving around Greensboro and we'd love to stop and see you!!!

  2. He's so precious! So sad that you aren't going to be in CO when I come in March!

    1. I know! Sad day!
      Hey, if y'all want to come up and do a night in Denver, you can totally stay at our place! Let me know.



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