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February (so far)

February has been a good month to us so far! We've had pretty mild weather - some snow, a lot of sun and some warm temps. We've been able to get out and go on lots of walks, especially thanks to our new stroller! 
The past week was especially fun and full! Tuesday were the last regular season basketball games for Redeemer's JV girls, JV boys and V girls. All three games were away, but I convinced Aaron to leave school a bit early, come pick up Canon and I and take us up to the games. It was a late night, but so fun! Canon got to see lots of students and parents and despite missing a nap, he did great! I was so glad we got to be there for the kids last games. 
Wednesday I finally got myself to a MOPS group. I've been craving some mom-friendships and I am so glad I found this group. It meets at Restoration Church which is walking distance from our house so even when we don't have the car we can still go! There were about 9 women and I am really hoping that these will develop into some good friendships over the next few months. The best part, we realized one of the women lives right up the street from me! Playdates, here we come! I guess crafts are a big part of the MOPS curriculum, and while I'm not super creative, I am pretty proud of what I made! We used oil sharpie pens to write on white mugs, then baked them so the ink would set in. Here is mine:
The state love is all over pinterest. I chose New Orleans for mine and Aaron's "love story" and added the dates of when we met, our engagement and our wedding. Im-pressed with myself, I must say. 
Oh, Wednesday I also got my haircut. It was very relaxing to spend an hour and a half having someone else take care of me! 

Thursday was of course, Valentine's Day, and we kept it real low-key by ordering in from our favorite restaurant, The Pioneer. Aar kept saying he had big plans for us on Friday. 

Friday afternoon we went back to Redeemer to see a play put on by our friend Julie's 6th grade class. Julie is a friend from a Bible Study we used to go to. She teaches at St. John's Lutheran School and let me tell you, she is one of the most generous women I have ever met. She had been sharing with her class all about Canon since before he was even born! They look at his pictures every week and also pray for him every week! It is so sweet. So, of course, we had to make it over so they could all see him. The play was wonderful and before and after Mr. Man had a line of students waiting to hold him. He's pretty lucky he's got so many people loving on him and praying for him. 

That night, Aaron surprised me with babysitters! and we went to dinner at Fuel. It is a local restaurant that serves local food and uses its own garden to grow a lot of it! It was a great meal and we had some really awesome conversation. We are so grateful for the night out to get away and re-connect as husband and wife, not mom and dad. 

Saturday a few of my girls from the Bible study I used to lead in Boulder came down for brunch. It was SO refreshing to catch up with those ladies and hear all the exciting things going on in their lives. Many of them are graduating this May and all of them are moving into a new exciting chapter in their lives and I am blessed to know them. 
I also realized that as far as having people over, brunch is really the way to go. We've tried dinner, but that's hard with Canon's bedtime and most people want to see him in a good mood. Brunch after his morning nap is way better, so we're hoping to start making Saturday morning brunch with friends something we do often. 
Then Aaron suggested we take a drive into the mountains, up to Leadville, CO. Its an oooold mining town with a lot of history. It took us about 2 hours to get up there, but it was a beautiful drive. We stopped, ate an early dinner, drove around a bit and headed back down. Though we didn't do much, it was a great alternative to being in the house all day. 

Sunday was probably the best, most surprising day. Because I had had 2 nights of no sleeping due to super intense heartburn/indigestion, Aaron let me sleep in late Sunday and took Canon to church by himself. I had a really relaxing morning and it was just what I needed! Aar got home and after a nice nap, we all headed up to City Park. I'd only been there once before, and Aaron had never, so it was a little adventure in the city. We walked around, stopped by 2 parks and even saw the top of an elephant at the new exhibit at the Zoo! We realized the Zoo definitely needed to be next on our "adventures in the city". Canon got to swing a little bit and went down his first slide!

After we got home from City Park, I had a surprise Aaron....babysitters again! We didn't know each other was planning this, but again came Ashley & Alex to let us have an evening out while they "watched" Canon (he was asleep!) We saw Silver Lining's Playbook. Aaron has now decided we need to see a movie once a month. I'm certainly on board with that! 

So, that was our week. Probably one of the best we've had in Denver. And I'm so glad for it! 

*For those of you wondering, I'm waiting for Aaron to add his side of the story of how we met before I go on to part 2


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