My wonderful, loving, older sister convinced me to join a Fitness Challenge group. Its 45 days and here are the requirements:
1) Commitment to working out 5-6 times a week, either with a program
of your choice (preferred - there is no wondering what to do with one of
those!) or your own gym program. If you choose the gym program, I will
ask you to state clearly what you are doing for the entire 45 days.
2) Commitment
to better nutrition. Ideally this is partly in the form of Shakeology, a
super high-quality protein shake - if you are drinking these daily,
then I know you are getting one really amazing-for-you meal that you
don't have to think about. But there will be other goals too!
3) Commitment
to cheering on your fellow participants. We usually meet on Facebook,
but if you are not on Facebook we can do it via email. Facebook is fun
because of the sheer variety of motivation! The group on Facebook is
SECRET, which means only the people in the group know it even exists.
Getting in better shape. Everyone wins this one!
Person who has the most points will win a $10 gift card to Amazon, Target, or a $10 check for a Beachbody product!
who brings in another person to the challenge will win 2 $5 gift cards
to the coffee shop of their choice, assuming I can get those cards
I am committing to 3 days/week of the Couch-to-5K program, either outside with the stroller or at the gym. (Just 2 more weeks til I can take Canon with me!) The other 2-3 days will be Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD. With the weather and the one car situation, I might be heavy on Jillian until the weather warms up and I can consistently jog outside, but I'm fine with that. Her DVDs are hard.
My commitment to nutrition will be eating strictly Paleo during the weekdays and giving myself a little leeway on the weekends, but not blowing it.
I've set myself up an excel sheet to record all that I eat along with my workout for that day. I'm really hoping with the Facebook motivation and not wanting to let my group down that I'll make it through the entire 45 days.
It'd be nice to give regular updates on the blog, but we all know I often promise consistent postings and then tend to drop the ball, so we'll see. But encouragement is always welcome!!
If anyone is interested in joining in, let me know!
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