Here are a few things I would really like to remember when it comes to baby #2. Not that we are planning that any time soon, but I don't want to forget these thoughts that have been swirling in my mind the past few days.
#1 - as Amanda reminds me often, we've made it. At 4 months, Canon's routine is predictable (for the most part) and we are all getting adequate amounts of sleep. It took a little longer than I had anticipated, but it came and I couldn't be happier. So for the next time around, just remember, if the baby isn't sleeping from 9pm - 7am at week 12, it is not the end of the world.
#2 - enjoy those first 4-6 weeks more. Honestly, I feel that I was too strict about his sleep in the beginning and that I didn't enjoy his newborn-ness enough. So, self, up until baby #2 is 6 weeks, let him/her sleep in your arms more, sleep without being swaddled, sleep wherever! No need to be crazy about it from day 1.*
#3 - seriously, sleep when he sleeps. I think this is more for when they get a little older, and I even have to tell myself this now! In the beginning, he was really good at sleeping until he needed to eat, day or night. But when he started to become more awake and sleep less, I should have slept more! When he is napping, don't bake, sleep.
#4 - we really don't need that many clothes. Goodness gracious! We have been blessed with lots of hand me downs, especially recently. And while I've been going through those clothes, and the ones in his drawers, I realized we had way too many clothes to start with. I thought we needed a ton, but the reality is, I just put him in my favorite outfits over and over! I'm guessing there are at least 20 onesies, between sizes 0-6 mo that have never been worn. So from here on out, and hopefully whenever baby #2 comes, the only clothes that we keep are the ones I really, really like, because those will be the ones are worn.
#5 - set up expectations early. I think Aaron and I have done a really good job of managing the care-taking, but it did come with a few break-downs early on. Juggling being a full-time mom, working part-time, sharing a car, exclusively breast-feeding and keeping up the house is overwhelming. So, divy up the responsibilities from the beginning. Set out expectations of when and what Aaron will do so that I can have some me time and remember, you can't please everyone.
*I just also want to say, at 6 weeks, you can start being crazy about sleep. I've seen Canon when he gets enough sleep and when he doesn't. You definitely want to do whatever it takes to make sure your babies get enough sleep, even if it doesn't make other people happy.
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