Canon turned 4 months this past Sunday! He has been such a joy recently! He is laughing and talking a lot, especially in the evenings. I think he likes when Aaron gets home and there is a little more commotion than when its just the two of us. He loves playing on his mat, reaching for and grabbing the hanging animals. His hands are always in his mouth and we are now dealing with all that drool! When laying on his back, if I grab both his hands he'll begin to pull himself up and he can sit up and hang out in the bumbo chair. He doesn't love tummy time still, but he'll do it, and no signs of rolling over yet. Especially since we returned from Christmas he has put himself on a really great schedule. We're up around 7:30am, naps around 9am, 1pm and 4pm, and he's back down between 6:30 and 7. He also is only waking up once to eat and he's recently pushed that back to around 4am (hallelujah!). Last night I got close to 7 hours of continuous sleep for the first time since probably before he was born. It was glorious.
He had is 4 month check-up yesterday. At 25 inches he is still ranking in the 75th percentile for length. Unfortunately, he only weighed 12.6 lbs, which dropped him down to 10th percentile in weight. I'm not super concerned because he is so happy, he is very alert when he is awake and everything else is normal. However, our pediatrician has me pumping to bottles with some formula supplemented for the next two weeks to see what the issue is. I could just not be making enough milk. So, we're going to keep measuring it and see where we need to go from there. I'm not stressed, I see it as we did a solid 4 months of breastfeeding and if we go to formula it is certainly not the end of the world.Also, the pediatrician said I should stop wean him off the swaddle, so wish us luck!
And for a little comparison...
all I have to say now is that we're closer to 6 months than we are to his birth! craaaazy!
You're doing a great job! And your attitude is admirable! I'm so sensitive to what my pediatrician says, especially with Avery when she was a baby. And girl, 4 months is awesome for exclusively BF! I could only hang for a month... and about the swaddle, we used {{}} when avery got too big for her miracle blanket. It was a great transition piece. Okay, I think you're great!!!!!