Oh man, how things are changing! Canon is growing up! He has found his feet quite a few times and his getting much better at grabbing for things. He wants to put everything in his mouth! We finally got an exersaucer and he seems to love it so far, with the exception that it makes him spit up since he leans forward and it presses against his stomach. Actually, he doesn't even seem to mind the spit up, ha! He is becoming more and more interactive, laughing and smiling and making noises. This past weekend we were in New Orleans and with 4 days of having Aaron continuously there, they did a lot of bonding! Aaron has figured out exactly what he can do to make Canon laugh and it is wonderful. I'll have way more on our trip later this week!
We went back to the doctor last Thursday for a weight check-up. He was 12 lbs 13 oz, which is an increase of 7 ounces in 10 days! The big worry was that from 2 months to 4 months, he stopped following any curve on the percentile chart at all. But from the 4 month appointment to this check-up, he was back to following the 10th percentile curve. While it is still only the 10th percentile, they just like to see that they are following one of the curves. So, I'm happy! I decided that with working 2 days a week and wanting to keep his weight up, we are going to formula during the day and nursing before bed, during the night and first thing in the morning, as long as my supply keeps up. I am SO happy with this decision, especially since it made traveling and visiting our friends so much easier. I can tell already that his face is getting bigger, and I'm hoping for those chubby baby thighs!
It is crazy for me to think that he his 1/2 way through the amount of time I was pregnant with him. Which really just makes me think I've got to get going with my resolution of getting into my pre-pregnancy jeans in just 20 more short weeks! And only 5 more weeks until he is 6 months!! Time. Flies.
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