You'll have to excuse the bad iPhone pic, Aaron had my camera and I knew today was the only daylight we were going to get a chance to take it this week. Also, the blanket is to celebrate 1 year of working for Denver K-Life! Thanks for a great job y'all!!
19 weeks! Amazing. This week a lot has gone on. We've been adjusting his food, trying to help him gain weight with pumping and formula. I'm not going to lie, it has been hard. I kind of thought pumping was going to be really liberating since I could do it while he was sleeping and then give him a bottle in less time. Well, honestly, pumping is much more exhausting than nursing! It's 20 minutes while he sleeps and then 15ish to feed him so it ends up taking just as much time as nursing! And, the reality is, I'm having to supplement with formula at each feeding, so it seems kind of pointless. As the day goes on he gets less and less of my milk and more and more formula. We go back to the doctor tomorrow morning for a weight check-up and I think I'm going to talk to them about just going to formula during the day and continuing to nurse at night and first thing in the morning. That would be my ideal.
As far as the swaddle...he flipped out at the beginning of the week and his sleep was super off. So I figured with all the other food changes, and since he had just gotten on a good sleep schedule before last week's appointment, we've gone back to it. I asked for advice from other moms on facebook and I feel really confident just waiting for his signs - busting out of it and being able to control his arms when he does. So far, he has managed one arm out just a few times, but always wakes up and can't quite get himself back to sleep afterwards, so we're still in it! Thank you to those who recommended some "in-between" swaddles, I'm definitely looking into them!
And now for the fun stuff! Just in the past few days he has gotten really good at rolling from his back to his side. Not quite over, thankfully, but he is moving much more on his playmat. He looooves to look at the TV, so I'm trying to use it to his advantage and I'll let him enjoy a few moments, as along as he is doing it on his side or tummy, haha! We got a "Sophie" teething giraffe for Christmas and just in the last day he's finally been able to hold her and get her into his mouth, and enjoy chewing on her! It's pretty cute.
We leave Friday morning to go to New Orleans for the weekend! MLK day will be 3 years since Aaron and I met! We're SUPER excited to see our friends, introduce Canon and be in the city where we fell in love!
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