Week 2 was terrible. I started out with a Snow Day, which meant we were at home all day and all I craved were carbs and sugar. Thus, my week started not awesome. I did relatively well when I was at work Tuesday and Wednesday, but then back home Thursday - Sunday was up and down. The good news is, I've learned some things. I know that it is much easier to control my eating when I am at work. I pack my lunch, usually leftovers, and bring the correct portion sizes. The food I pack is the only food that is an option. I've also learned that when I get home on work days though, my initial instinct is to walk in and put something in my mouth - usually not planned or portioned out. Another trigger is about 8:00pm at night when I want something sweet. Becoming aware of these habits and craving will help me curb them.
Emotionally, after having such an off week 2, I wanted to just avoid this space. That is my default - to avoid situations that make me uncomfortable or that I don't want to deal with. But, if I am even more honest with myself, this isn't just an uncomfortable situation, this is about making a lasting change. I have to show up, good or bad, to keep going.
So keep going I will. This week has seen better choices and more self-control when cravings hit. The time change has been wonders for our evenings and I'm planning meals better. I even got out for a run with Canon in the stroller yesterday afternoon. Praise the Lord for Daylight Savings Time, for real.
Wednesday I went out to lunch with work for 3 staff birthdays. Knowing where we were going allowed me to make a plan for that meal by checking out the nutritional information on Jason's Deli's website. Especially because I'm also going out to dinner Wednesday night with my mom. Then Friday we head to Charlottesville for the weekend and I know there will be a few cheat meals then too. But, if not on my birthday, then when? The plan is to compliment those meals with good stroller walks/jogs.
Emotionally, after having such an off week 2, I wanted to just avoid this space. That is my default - to avoid situations that make me uncomfortable or that I don't want to deal with. But, if I am even more honest with myself, this isn't just an uncomfortable situation, this is about making a lasting change. I have to show up, good or bad, to keep going.
So keep going I will. This week has seen better choices and more self-control when cravings hit. The time change has been wonders for our evenings and I'm planning meals better. I even got out for a run with Canon in the stroller yesterday afternoon. Praise the Lord for Daylight Savings Time, for real.
Wednesday I went out to lunch with work for 3 staff birthdays. Knowing where we were going allowed me to make a plan for that meal by checking out the nutritional information on Jason's Deli's website. Especially because I'm also going out to dinner Wednesday night with my mom. Then Friday we head to Charlottesville for the weekend and I know there will be a few cheat meals then too. But, if not on my birthday, then when? The plan is to compliment those meals with good stroller walks/jogs.
All in all, I feel like I know where I need to improve and have more desire to stay on track than avoid. Accountability to this space will help and that is ultimately how I want to keep motivated. I hope to be real, honest, make changes and see progress.
Here is to week 4!
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