As a recap, here are the goals I posted in January for the year and for maternity leave.
Schultz Family 2015 Goals
pay off debt
take a trip to New Orleans or Nebraska
say the Lord’s Prayer with Canon each night
get a minivan (okay this is more one of my goals)
date night 1x/month
read the Augsburg Confession together
host at our apartment 1x/month
My Maternity Leave Goals
enjoy the newborn/baby stage
get this baby sleeping mostly through the night
get him on a good napping schedule
figure out pumping at work
exercise 20 min every day
have coffee with a friend 1x/week
do something spiritual everyday – reading,
writing, praying or listening
The purple ones are the goals that I feel like I actually accomplished in the month of January. What was
going to be a family outing to dinner turned into a date when Canon was being a pill and we decided just
to drop him off at my moms instead! We also hosted people for the Superbowl and even though that was
technically February, I'm going to count it back. We have unfortunately not been saying the Lord's Prayer
with Canon, nor have we talked about the Augsburg Confession. Those will be moving down to
February's list!
I do feel like I've been enjoying the newborn stage a bit more, especially as the countdown to going back
to work gets shorter and shorter. That's not to say I haven't gotten frustrated or the overwhelming need to
control Ben's every moment, but I think I did a good job of putting it into perspective. I've had coffee
with neighbors and friends and that has been awesome! We've also been getting out each week to chapel
at Immanuel which has been a surprising highlight of our week.
Ben is definitely not sleeping through the night nor sleeping long for his naps - but again, perspective!
I've been slacking on the blogging, exercise and spiritual disciplines.
February's Goals
- complete our taxes
- figure out pumping at work
- date night
- exercise 3-4x/week (this is more manageable)
- do something spiritual every day/keep up with the Bible study I am in
- go back to work
- trust our daycare provider with Ben's schedule
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