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Showing posts from January, 2015

Ben - 1 month

*posted at 6 weeks, but written around 5  Weight: ~12.5 lbs! This is somewhere in the 80-90th percentile! Eating: Still breastfeeding! Attempting to follow "Moms On Call", so he's eating at 7am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5:30pm, 8:30pm and then I do a dream feed between 9:30/10:00 before I go to bed. He wakes up typically between 12:30 and 1:30, then again around 4:30am. (of course, there are variances on this, such as last night when he woke up at 11:30pm, 2:30am and 4:30am) Sleeping: Not terrible. He especially likes to be held, so will sleep contently and for a long time if this is the case. However, I prefer him to sleep in the rock n' play and he tends to wake up more if he is in that. His first nap happens in the car to drop Canon off, then he sleeps at 10am, 1:30pm, again in the car around 4pm, and 6:30pm before final bedtime around 8:30/9:00pm. His best nap is the 10am one. I typically have to come in around 2:30pm and let him sleep on my chest to get the most of...

Ben - the first month

Week 1 We were able to come home less than 72 hours after my c-section, which was awesome. Sitting in that hospital room was so uncomfortable and gave me too much time to think about what it was going to be like having two kids - I wanted to just be in it! We came home on a Thursday and had both boys that night. I remember we finally got through dinner and both of them to sleep and we just looked at each other like "wow, this is a lot of work!" I know it affected Aaron more than me, but it was certainly an overwhelming feeling. Ben just slept and ate mostly during this week. He was sleeping well in between feedings and I was having to set my alarm in the night to wake us both up to eat, usually at 1am and 4am and then up for good around 7. We had to go in to the pediatrician on Friday to weigh him, he was down to 8lbs 8oz I think. They had me start supplementing with formula, about 1 oz after each feeding. We went back Saturday morning and within 24 hours he had gained 7 ...

mid-month confessions

Y'all. I am SO excited for the return of mid-month confessions!! Elizabeth, over at Teaching Sam & Scout , used to do mid-week confessions that I linked up for a couple of times before her original blog shut down. Since starting at a new space and kind of rebranding herself, she's decided to get them going again, but once a month instead of once a week. AND she's partnered up with one of my best girls from Clemson, Heather! I'm really looking forward to this link-up each month! - First, I have to say, today was just one of those days, so this might be brief. - On Sunday, our youngest child, Ben (4 weeks) spit up straight into the mouth of our friend Geoff who was holding him. Yes, possibly more embarrassing for Geoff, but I felt terrible!   - When I wrote our family goals for 2015 on the blog, I purposefully left off one thing; brush Canon's teeth once a day. YES, I know. We're terrible and haven't quite worked it into our routines yet so ...


This was this mornings reading in Jesus Calling. The middle passage, Romans 12:12, really spoke to me. I'm going to keep it as my verse for this month. As I'm caring for Ben, as well as taking care of the rest of my family, I pray that I would have and do all three. That I would be joyful in this new baby and our family of 4 and hopeful for what is to come; that I would have patience when things don't go how I'd like, ie in the middle of the night or in the midst of a toddler tantrum; and that I would cover all of these with faithful prayer, to rely on God for strength and also to be grateful for all we've been given. 


Aaron went back to school yesterday and Canon is in daycare, so I feel like this week actually marks the beginning of my maternity leave. Just me and Ben getting to know each other and hopefully establishing some routines before I go back to work at the end of February. With maternity leave "starting" and the beginning of a new year coinciding, it was an obvious time for me to be thinking about what I want out of these next 8 weeks and this upcoming year. Aaron and I had a quick discussion about family goals for 2015 the other night and here is our rough draft. Schultz Family 2015 Goals ·       pay off debt ·       take a trip to New Orleans or Nebraska ·       say the Lord’s Prayer with Canon each night ·       get a minivan (okay this is more one of my goals) ·       date night 1x/month ·       re...

Christmas 2014

Christmas was so fun this year! Leading up to it, I almost felt like it was going to be a wash, you know, considering we have a newborn, but it really wasn't. It was nice to remember that Christmas isn't about creating the picture perfect evenings of hot cocoa, pajamas and Christmas lights, but really about celebrating the birth of Jesus and the spirit of generosity with our families and friends. Our Christmas Eve tradition has been the same since we were little kids, and though we've made some changes as we've become parents, it continues to be one of my favorite evenings. We go to my mom's church and all the kids wear pajamas, so of course we had all our boys in matching jammies!   Then we went back to my mom's house for dinner, setting out cookies and fudge for Santa and then back to our house for bed! We read Canon the night before Christmas as well as the equivalent to Luke 2 in the Jesus Storybook Bible. (side note - we've been doing Advent read...