6 weeks. This boy just keeps getting bigger and bigger! The past two weeks we've gone to the "Baby Weigh-In Clinic" at the hospital, where women can come and weigh their babies before and after feeding them to see how much they are eating...I'm not concerned with that because he is clearly getting enough! He weighed in this week at 10lbs 10oz!! I told Aaron that the reason we go is for the social aspect! It is fun to be in a room with lots of other moms and see all different "size" babies. Last week there were some 3 & 4 month olds who made Canon look tiny, but this week he was the oldest by 5 weeks and he looked huge! One of the women remarked that this was our playdate and I'm hoping that we can make friends and get some real play dates down the road!
This week we have also been getting those smiles that were promised! It is so sweet to see him open that gummy mouth. Though I can't always get him to smile he still gives them to us a lot! He also did a great sleep last night, from 9pm-2am. I feel like a new woman, ha! We're praying that it wasn't a fluke and continues. Any suggestions from you other moms out there of getting your babies to sleep are greatly appreciated!
Aaron has been great this week and has been giving me time each afternoon for me. I went to Starbucks once and finished a book, I took a bath, I finished up on some work that needed to be done. It has been so wonderful to have those times to just be me. And it helps me appreciate my sweet boy at 3am more!
Here's to the upcoming week 7 and more sleep!!
*update - I forgot to add how he did over the weekend of traveling! He was a trooper. Even though we never actually made it to New Orleans, he still enjoyed his first 2 flights to Tampa and back. I put him in the Moby Wrap and he slept practically the entire time. Everyone said great things about him and keeping him happy wasn't stressful at all, which is great because we're headed to Virginia in about 2 weeks!
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