This kid just keeps on growing! We were at the doctor (again) this past Monday for our One Month Check-up and he weighed in at 9lbs 10oz. That means he has gained over 1/2 a pound in one week! Way to go buddy. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and at 22 inches, the 75th for height. But can we please back track to the fact that our One Month Check-up has come and gone? I can't believe it. It feels like it has gone by so quickly and like he has been here for way longer than just one month. I even find it hard to think back to those first few nights at home with him, they seem like forever ago!
He is still super easy going and calm, but he has found his voice and we are hearing it more and more often! He lets us know when he is not happy, but most of the time he is content to just be wherever. We're still figuring out how long and when is best for him to be awake during the day and continuously praying for long sleeps at night. He tends to make a lot of noises and move around while he is sleeping, which of course wakes me up and gets me nervous, so I'm thinking we'll be putting his crib together here pretty soon. We had a few first this week, like sleeping in his bassinet without being swaddled and just hanging out wide awake in his bassinet while Aaron and I got ready for church this past Sunday.
I'm looking forward to getting to interact with him more over the next few weeks and will be waiting intently for that first "social smile!"
We've also had a ton of family in town this past week so I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of all the events!
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