I kind of figured that July was going to be a slow month for us. I started working again about half way through, but other than that, it seemed like everything we were counting down to was happening in August. Aaron starting school, Alex moving out and finally being able to set up the nursery, two baby showers (well, one was at the end of July), and at the very end of August, our due date!! So as July came to an end, I realized that somehow in the last 2 weeks we got really busy! Here is my official apology to all the friends that I've not followed through with due to unexpected activity!! And here is my photo-loaded post about our last few weeks.
We bought a washer and dryer! We've been doing coin laundry in our building, just 1 flight below us, for the past year. Though it hasn't been the most annoying thing in the world, I am certainly happy to not have to walk up and down those steps and make sure we have enough quarters anymore! Now, on to washing all those baby clothes!
Oh Sonic Cherry Limeades, where would my summer be without you? I've been stopping a lot, especially on my way to Aaron's baseball games.
I just think this picture is cute. This is Aaron's dad with his granddaughter (our niece) Hellen. She lives in Alaska with Aaron's sister, Ashlee and her husband Francis. The smiles on these two are great. We are very lucky that all of Aaron's family, including those in Alaska, will be coming to meet Baby Boy Schultz at the end of September. I hope my baby will elicit the same smile!!
These two were to show off my Giants excitement to Aaron's dad, who sent us the shirt. You know we love the Giants in our household and they were just here for a 3 games series this past weekend. I posted some pics at the game on Instagram and Facebook. (side note, baby is getting BIG!)
We had our Bible Study over for a New Orleans themed dinner a week or so ago. Aaron convinced me to finally try out our Beignet mix, which we bought over a year ago at Cafe Du Mond and brought with us! Here is what they looked like before...
...and after! Aar really piled on that powdered sugar after this round...
...and everyone loved them! I ended up making 3 rounds of at least 12-13 with the box. I will say to if you are making them, role the dough out a little thicker and make sure it is super cold. Mine kept getting stuck to the wax paper underneath and I never could quite get the square shape.
We were really lucky to spend some quality time with the Knoepfl's, whom are good family friends of the Schultzes. Mr. K was actually Aaron's principal and teacher for a few years in middle school. They are from, and currently live in, Nebraska and Mr. K was a huge influence in Aaron going to the University of. Their youngest son, TJ, was here for a big baseball tournament, facing teams from around the country. We got to go 3 games and loved the time we got to catch up with Mr. & Mrs. K, Jordan, Jared and Tyler.
Yay! Our friends Matt and Jackie got married! They are our first friends we made in Denver! Matt teaches at Lutheran High and he let us stay at his house when we arrived to Denver while on our apartment search. Jackie is a local photographer and is fabulous. Check her out here. Their wedding was super fun and really captured their personalities. We can't wait to share married life with them!
Finally, our church, Redeemer Lutheran, gave us a baby shower last weekend. Y'all might have seen the picture I posted when I got home of all the awesome stuff Baby Boy received. These women really did themselves out and both Aaron and I were super overwhelmed by their generosity! It was a really fun afternoon.
At 36 weeks, (well, 35 and 6 days, but who is counting right?!??) I'm
feeling mostly good. I've been having a lot of back pain, sending me
straight into memories of rowing, but other than that, we're great! We
go in for another appointment on Tuesday and then every Tuesday after
that until he comes! Like I said, this is the week we will really get
started with getting everything ready. We are planning on painting on
Friday, then we'll move everything in! OH, big news. We bought a
I am so excited about this thing. There was a huge neighborhood yard sale this past weekend in one of the very nice neighborhoods in Denver and I went on a mission to get a good stroller. We got this one for a great price and I couldn't be happier! It comes with the car seat adapter, a bassinet (top right) and the seat for when they are a bit older (left and bottom right). It has a huge basket under the seat for lots of walking trips to the park and grocery store! They family also threw in their car seat and bases, which we're picking up later since they have to replace them with the next size up for their son. I'm just SO relieved that we have that taken care of which is why I'm making such a big deal out of it, haha.
So, here is to August, getting lots of things done and completely ready for Sept 1, the first Saturday of College Gameday, I mean, Baby Boy's due date!!
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