What a happy baby he is!
Here are the highlights!- The months of October and November were overshadowed by trying to figure out some tummy issues he was having. We went to the pediatrician a number of times and finally went to Nutramigen formula for about 8 weeks. He made the switch pretty well and things finally cleared up (or should I say stopped up!) We made the switch back to Enfamil Gentlease just before Christmas and its been going well enough
- Two bottom teeth came in the first few weeks of October!
- Daycare had him start solid foods - so he started eating once a day mainly apples and bananas, then some carrots and sweet potatoes
- Minus the nights he was awake with tummy issues, he got on a pretty good routine of only waking up once a night, between 2am-4am for a bottle, and sleeping until 7am. I can definitely handle once a night wake-ups and Aaron was happy to do a few feedings too!
- He started (?) and continues to sleep on his belly and can roll over every which way
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