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In Progress - Basement, Backyard and Dining Room

We're slowly moving through the house and getting things more settled. The summer routine, heat and vacations has caused low motivation to complete things, but I'm okay with that. Here is what we've completed so far in backyard, basement and dining room.

Backyard - the biggest accomplishment has been mowing the grass and pulling up lots of weeds! All long the fence there were super overgrown weeds. You can also see below the block "patio" - the 12 stones on the left side were completely covered when we moved in. 

Best purchase ever goes to the blow up pool!

The basement. This is what it looked like when we moved in:
Toys everywhere and furniture just placed in a somewhat reasonable spot. This past weekend I mainly did some re arranging, but it has made an impact in how we use the space already! 

I moved the big bookshelf over to the nook and centered the rug from there to create a more open play space away from the stairs and underneath the window. I was lucky the shelf was the perfect length! It also creates a better path to the laundry room.

Still toys everywhere, but  now we have a little table for them to sit and play legos.

 To save the best for last, the dining room! We are so grateful that we were the recipients of an amazing table. A Pastor friend of ours knew a family who was moving overseas and needed to get rid of all the furniture quickly, so we quickly scheduled a time at the last minute to pick this up! 

 It is 6ft long and we also received 8 chairs to go along with it! Though it might be "too big" for the space, we love it!! We actually put two chairs at the end for the boys so we only use (read, have to keep uncluttered) half the table for meals with plenty of room. 

This is what the room looked like the first weeks we were moved in. 

With the addition of the table, everything is much simpler and clean in there!

I am so looking forward to moving the table to the center of the room in the winter when we won't be using the deck as much. I might even host Thanksgiving! 

Though there is lots more to do, we are so happy with the small progress we've made so far! Really though, all these pictures have me wanting to paint ASAP!


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