Wow, I am so happy today is Friday! Lots to share today! Here are a few things I am loving lately.
1. My fitbit! More specifically, my workweek hustle challenge group. I am in a group with former and current Camp Carysbrook
staff members...and most of them happen to still be in college. Which
means while I am sitting behind my desk at work, they are traipsing to
and from class on huge campuses! I've been super inspired to get up and
get moving, meet my step goal and start running more often just to keep
up. One of these days, I will win!
2. Reminiscing over old posts. Timehop gets me everytime!
Day in the Life post from when he was 6 months old.
It goes by so fast!!!
3. Rodan + Fields Foaming Sunless Tanner! Last weekend it was 60 degrees and I busted out the Sunless Tanner when I got home from church. Having a little bit of color on my legs makes me feel so much better and this is the easiest product to apply! I have a feeling "Sunday Sunless Tanner" is now a thing!
4. The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey podcast. While I've been walking and running, this is my companion. Jamie does a great job of not just interviewing her guests, but really inviting the listener into a real conversation! Her guests include women bloggers, entrepreneurs, authors, ministers and more. I always end up inspired and encouraged! You should definitely listen.
5. Goal setting with Elizabeth and Sarah. It has been 3 months now that I have consistently set and achieved goals and I am so glad for their monthly link-up. March always seems to be a "wake-up" month for me. Spring is coming, days are longer, the air is warmer and I can feel the hope and anticipation of this new season. It was March of last year that I joined Rodan+Fields and upon my one-year anniversary I am more committed than ever to this awesome opportunity!
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