Just a quick little round-up of July and August in pictures!

One of the perks of living where I grew up - I got to take pictures of Canon on the porch of the house I lived in until high school, let him play at the same playground across the street and go to the same 4th of July carnival at my old elementary school!
Recently, Canon has been playing "church" and will sing from the hymnal and offer communion to us!
I got to get away for an awesome weekend at Camp Carysbrook!
This kid - is just getting SO big! Months 4 - 8 have really flown by!
A little playdate in Waynesboro with my college girls!
Haircuts for the whole family!
Ben went to California to see the Schultz Family and had a great time getting spoiled and loved on by Grandma!
We got to hang out with Elizabeth, from Teaching Sam and Scout, and her sweet boy. Elizabeth is from VA and went to Clemson, but we didn't connect until the last few years because of blogging! It was so fun getting to meet them in real life and chat in person.
That same weekend, Cousin Cole came over for his and Canon's first sleepover! Then to the Zoo with MoMo, Amanda, Wes and my aunt Fran!
Again, this one. Wanting to pull up all the time and could possibly start cruising soon!
I don't even know. But on a somewhat related note - we've successfully conquered Potty Training!
And that has been our summer! Aaron has work week for school next week, the back to school picnic is next Saturday, and then Canon turns 3 on September 4th! All that to say - FALL IS COMING!
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