I've had a few friends who have recently found out they were pregnant! Talking baby gear is one of my favorite conversations, so for a friend who doesn't live close, I rounded up a list of "what I would do if I did it all over again" based on what I know now with 2 kids. I did it pretty fast and she was really focused on strollers, but I thought it would be fun to share! If there is something you love that I missed, leave it in the comments!
Car Seat - the Chicco Keyfit 30 is the one all my friends have
Stroller - I'm going to list out a few options:
1 - No seat, for car seat only "snap n go"
- something you can use as an infant, that will also grow with you.
Typically this means buying the stroller and buying the car seat adapter
so you can use them together
my friends Mark and
Melissa did a genius thing and bought this stroller with the adapter,
but took the fabric of the stroller seat off so it acts like the snap n
Now, this stroller comes in a ton of different colors and also wheel types/configurations. Mark & Melissa got theirs at a wholesale warehouse sale in Richmond last November for a lot less expensive. This is the stroller almost all the moms up here have. This stroller in side by side double is the one Mel K. has, and this stroller front and back is the one I am getting. You'd find the car seat adapter here:
you can plan ahead (because then you would only have to buy one
stroller your whole life!) and get one that will easily convert from a
single into a double, you'd just have to buy the 2nd seat later
Uppa Baby Vista - this stroller is expensive, but will seriously be the only one you need. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bassinet attachment.

Okay, I think that is good for strollers. Other things you definitely want.
FIsher Price Rock N Play - you can borrow mine, but it doesn't have the vibrating function
Pack N Play
- this will be great for you to do diaper changes and naps downstairs
so you don't have to keep going up and down! We used it until Canon was 2
to sleep over night on vacation and Ben has been sleeping in the bottom
since 8 weeks, but we bought a bigger mattress for it for Ben.

Okay, so before I totally overwhelm you even more - that's what I would do.
Most of my friends/people I see up here have:
- the Chicco Key Fit (some people have the Peg Perego, it is supposed to be really safe and the headrest is awesome for trips)
- the City Mini OR Bob w/ car seat adapter
- the rock n play
- the pack n play
- halo/summer infant swaddle sacks
- aiden and anais swaddle blankets
- boppy nursing pillow
- boppy lounger
- diaper genie
- ergo/solly wrap
- changing pad/cover
- sound machine (start this from day 1, it is the BEST way to signal to them it is time to sleep!)
- small chair that either vibrates or has fun things for them to look at
- activity mat
- monitor (I prefer video)
- glider
I can loan you:
- boppy lounger
- car seat
- bouncy chair
- activity mat
- rock n play (mine is the first generation)
- bath tub with infant seat
That doesn't even begin to cover it, but I thought it was a good start for her. I am obviously a fan of the tandem stroller, but not everyone is. What are your favorite baby gear?
Couldn't agree more with everything you listed! Wish I would've had this to look at about 6 months ago ;)