Wow, it was SO crazy to write that title. It's so cliche, but I can hardly believe I have a 2 AND A HALF year old!
This kid. He is hysterical. Even in the last 3 months he has grown so much. He talks non stop. And he is funny! He knows when he is being silly and sly, like responding to questions with the "wrong" answer as a game. He loves cars and trucks. One of his favorite things to do with Aaron is go to Target and look at the toys - and is okay leaving without one! He also loves "moooovies". He is caring and compassionate and if he thinks I am sad about something he'll always come over and give me a hug and kiss!
He is getting so tall. I look back at pictures of him and realize all of the baby has come out. He is becoming this long, lanky thing. He's in 2T/3T clothes and size 8/9 shoes. He also has decided he has preferences, so whether it is which shirt he is wearing (mater) or which pants (the brown ones) or which pajamas (bears or spiderman) he definitely cares. Sometimes its a battle, sometimes not - depending on the laundry situation ;)
He goes to daycare at Ms. B's house every day and he loves it. He has two friends, Nicolas and Kasen, that are his age that he plays with. He especially loves playing soccer with them, reading and doing crafts. He is learning a lot, too! He can say his ABC's and count up to 12ish. He's beginning to show signs of one-to-one correspondence when counting and can correctly identify (when he wants to!) a lot of colors. He's learning a bit of Spanish - colors and numbers - and can understand Ms. B when she gives him directions in Spanish. He takes a 2 hour nap at her house and goes sleep around 7:30pm and sleeps about 11-12 hours each night!
Its not all rainbows and sunshine with a 2.5 year old as well though! We're learning to mean what we say and follow through. He certainly pushes the limits and has his share of time-outs, but I know that it's really good for him to learn his boundaries and hopefully this will be a short lived phase.
He loves going to church and seeing all his friends. We are SO lucky that there are about 3 or 4 other boys at church his age who he'll start school with, so we're pushing those friendships now! We often talk about all the people we'll see at church and he really gets excited to see Pastor and Vicar Doug. He's become more and more interested in the service and has recently been copying some of Pastor's and Vicar Doug's words and movements during the service - such as when we are told to "depart in peace" after Communion and when Pastor makes a triangle with his hands during the benediction - Canon loves to do that with him in the back pew!
Phew, what else Bug? You are a joy to be around! We love how energetic and rambunctious you are, but also how sweet and caring you can be too! We hope that the next 6 months brings even more learning, fun and sweet times together! Love you Bug!
Love love your blogs!