Yep, that is right. I am now officially a "working mom" (though really, isn't every mom a working mom?) I'm not really looking to enter the bigger conversation of working outside or inside the home, just want to share some feelings about my experience so far.
The basics - since before Canon as born, I have been working for Denver K-Life, 2 days a week. They have been extremely gracious and allowed me to continue working at home for a while right after he was born and then I transitioned back to 2 days a week at the office. I bring Canon with me and it is really great! We get there in time for his first nap and he sleeps in the pack n' play I keep at the office. Sometimes we stay through his 2nd nap, sometimes we go home, just depends on my work load. So really, I've been working since he was born, I have just been lucky enough to bring him with me. At the end of February, I started subbing at St. John's Lutheran Preschool. I started out just going in on Wednesdays, but now I am there every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We found a Daycare close to home that had openings, and a drop-in rate that still allowed us to make money after paying them, which has been the whole goal anyway. Though I've loved staying at home mostly, we really needed the extra income. Sometimes it seems odd to me that I am taking my child to daycare so I can come watch other people's children, but it is what it is.
I will say this from the outset - for the most part, Canon loves his daycare. He is just as smiley and happy as he ever was, and he is sleeping way better at night! Like, all through the night, consistently, since he has been going! His naps there are up and down, but his routine gets better each week. He learns to be comfortable with other people and gets to be around other kids, most of whom are older that him, so hopefully he'll learn a few things (like crawling!)
I am really enjoying the work I am doing. I am typically the 2nd or 3rd person in a room and get the chance to float around to multiple different ages. The kids are great - and most classrooms take 2 hour naps! Oh the joys of preschool ;) More than that however, I am enjoying being part of a team and a community. The teachers here are great, all different ages and stages in life, with lots of experience, so I am learning a lot, too!
Working these three days a week has definitely changed our lifestyle. Some days I work 8-4, other days I work 9-5:30. They both present their challenges. Getting Canon to daycare by 7:45am means there's not much time to do anything but get fed, dressed and out the door, but we get the evening together. The days I work 9-5:30, there's more time in the morning, but by the time we get home, its fed, a little bit of playtime, bath and bed. So, we're working around it. Here are some things I've learned or we've had to do:
1 - firstly, Aaron and I have had to work way more as a team in the evenings. One person typically does bath and bed while the other cooks dinner. We've got a good nighttime routine going on that we can both do either.
2 - I have to wake up early. It is so funny, before "working", I would always try and sleep as long as Canon did. Now, I'm actually enjoying waking up before he does so I can get ready and drink my coffee quietly.
3 - Night times are no longer for relaxing. Especially those days I get off at 5:30, once we get Canon in bed and eat dinner ourselves, then its time to get everything ready for the next day, or clean the house. This is both good and hard. It feels like there is always some sort of cleaning to do - dishes, rooms, laundry - and since I'm not home during the day, it all has to get done at night. Would I rather just sit on the couch? Probably, but at least now I got to sleep really feeling like I've accomplished something!
4 - some things I just have to let go. Like Canon's weekly or monthly photos. Facebook. Blogging. Reading blogs. And I'm happy to say, I don't really miss not knowing what is going on every second of everyone's lives! It makes phone calls that much more exciting!
At this point, I'm not sure if this is a season, or a permanent thing, but I'm grateful for this financial blessing and the ways our family is growing because of it!
And because no post is complete without some pictures, here ya go!
The basics - since before Canon as born, I have been working for Denver K-Life, 2 days a week. They have been extremely gracious and allowed me to continue working at home for a while right after he was born and then I transitioned back to 2 days a week at the office. I bring Canon with me and it is really great! We get there in time for his first nap and he sleeps in the pack n' play I keep at the office. Sometimes we stay through his 2nd nap, sometimes we go home, just depends on my work load. So really, I've been working since he was born, I have just been lucky enough to bring him with me. At the end of February, I started subbing at St. John's Lutheran Preschool. I started out just going in on Wednesdays, but now I am there every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We found a Daycare close to home that had openings, and a drop-in rate that still allowed us to make money after paying them, which has been the whole goal anyway. Though I've loved staying at home mostly, we really needed the extra income. Sometimes it seems odd to me that I am taking my child to daycare so I can come watch other people's children, but it is what it is.
I will say this from the outset - for the most part, Canon loves his daycare. He is just as smiley and happy as he ever was, and he is sleeping way better at night! Like, all through the night, consistently, since he has been going! His naps there are up and down, but his routine gets better each week. He learns to be comfortable with other people and gets to be around other kids, most of whom are older that him, so hopefully he'll learn a few things (like crawling!)
I am really enjoying the work I am doing. I am typically the 2nd or 3rd person in a room and get the chance to float around to multiple different ages. The kids are great - and most classrooms take 2 hour naps! Oh the joys of preschool ;) More than that however, I am enjoying being part of a team and a community. The teachers here are great, all different ages and stages in life, with lots of experience, so I am learning a lot, too!
Working these three days a week has definitely changed our lifestyle. Some days I work 8-4, other days I work 9-5:30. They both present their challenges. Getting Canon to daycare by 7:45am means there's not much time to do anything but get fed, dressed and out the door, but we get the evening together. The days I work 9-5:30, there's more time in the morning, but by the time we get home, its fed, a little bit of playtime, bath and bed. So, we're working around it. Here are some things I've learned or we've had to do:
1 - firstly, Aaron and I have had to work way more as a team in the evenings. One person typically does bath and bed while the other cooks dinner. We've got a good nighttime routine going on that we can both do either.
2 - I have to wake up early. It is so funny, before "working", I would always try and sleep as long as Canon did. Now, I'm actually enjoying waking up before he does so I can get ready and drink my coffee quietly.
3 - Night times are no longer for relaxing. Especially those days I get off at 5:30, once we get Canon in bed and eat dinner ourselves, then its time to get everything ready for the next day, or clean the house. This is both good and hard. It feels like there is always some sort of cleaning to do - dishes, rooms, laundry - and since I'm not home during the day, it all has to get done at night. Would I rather just sit on the couch? Probably, but at least now I got to sleep really feeling like I've accomplished something!
4 - some things I just have to let go. Like Canon's weekly or monthly photos. Facebook. Blogging. Reading blogs. And I'm happy to say, I don't really miss not knowing what is going on every second of everyone's lives! It makes phone calls that much more exciting!
At this point, I'm not sure if this is a season, or a permanent thing, but I'm grateful for this financial blessing and the ways our family is growing because of it!
And because no post is complete without some pictures, here ya go!
Katie - Canon looks so happy and thriving! I can't wait to see you this weekend and meet him. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Katie! Glad you are feeling good about the new opportunity at the preschool. Love that you guys are figuring out how to share the responsibilities at night- sounds like y'all are a great team! And love the pics of Cannon- what a cutie!