Yep, that's right. This guy is 10 weeks old today! And yes, I am fully aware that I skipped 8 & 9 weeks. Sorry! We were clearly super busy. Actually, we were home in Virginia for week 8, so that is my excuse for that one. As for last week...well I just didn't get it done.
Anyway, the past few weeks have been really fun. Someone described having a baby to me as being under water, trying to swim toward the surface. I feel like somewhere around week 8 we finally broke through and got some air! As you hopefully saw in the October pictures, he is full of smiles! I get them a lot through out the day. He loves his play mat and looking up at all the animals, but every once and I while I'll catch up with his head turned sideways, looking at seemingly nothing, with the biggest grin on his face!
He has certainly become more aware of when he is not happy though, and most definitely lets us know! I've especially figured out his "I'm tired" cry. Oh, and he spits up like crazy! Most of the time he hardly even notices, or kind of laughs afterwards, but I'm talking like an hour after he eats he'll be in the swing and it will just come rushing out of his mouth. I'm not sure he even notices. So, we've resorted to wearing bibs after he eats for a while. Its easier to change a bib than to change an entire outfit!
I know I say this all the time, but we're still working on sleeping. A few weeks ago we were getting some 8-2, 8-3, sleeps, but I just can't recreate those to save my life! If we aren't out, there is no way I can keep him up past like 6 or 7, but then he wants to wake up around 11 or 12. So, my big question for you parents out there who say your baby was sleeping 9pm-7am (or some variation of) around this time....when did they sleep before that?? Were they awake from like 6-9, or was that just the last feeding of the night? Y'all know I've been reading that book, but I think real life experience will help me out a little more.
We're currently trying to put him down with a last feeding between 7 and 7:30, but for instance, last night he went down around 6:30 (I was at the gym, hooray!) so when I got home I showered and fed him around 7:15 and back down around 7:45. Then he woke up at 11! Aaron thankfully put him back down, but then he was up to eat again at 1am and at 4am.
Advice is welcome!
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