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Showing posts from 2012

3 months!

It just so happened that 13 weeks is also 3 months!! I know I say it every week, but I can hardly believe it. Canon is so big. He is doing such a great job holding his head up and balancing. I think he is ready for the Bumbo Chair and I'm so excited to be able to have him sitting up and hanging out, especially when I am in the kitchen. He continues to smile all the time and is such a relaxed, easy going, happy baby. I think we may have even gotten a few giggles this week! Once when I was un-velcro-ing a bunch of his swaddles from the wash, he thought the sound was hilarious, and then once when I was clapping in front of him. It is so fun to make him smile! I said last week that he had gotten pretty good at putting himself back to sleep during naps, and this week I feel that we've definitely made more progress with him doing the same at night! Last night I didn't have to get up at all in between feedings!!  Here is a picture of him at 1 month and yesterday at 3 mo...


About a month ago ( I know) I got the chance to go back to Virginia with Canon to see my family! It was so fun. My aunt Kay came up from North Carolina and Amanda, Robert and Cole came up from Charlottesville. I was so wonderful to have 2 grandmothers to dote over Canon, to spend time running with my sister and to see friends from lots of different times in my life! Here are a few pictures... (from my iPhone so I apologize for the quality)

mid-week confessions

Even though I've already posted once today about Canon's 11th & 12th weeks ,  I thought I'd make a few confessions. (check out for the link) * I haven't done my couch to 5k run in 2 weeks. This needs to change. * I try not to let myself look at Facebook, Instagram or my Blog Reader until I am nursing so I have enough to entertain me for 30-40 minutes.  * I love Instagram. However, I tend to only use 2 filters over and over.  * I have also started rewatching Season 1 of Parenthood and find the best time to get a good episode in is while I'm nursing.  *Sometimes I wonder if I'm too distracted while nursing.  * I confessed this outloud to a mom (whom I had just met) at Thanksgiving and she agreed , so I'll confess it to the world. As a mom, there is something satisfying about picking boogers out of your child's nose, or earwax out of his ear, or lint between his toes, etc. Don't judge me, you know you...

11 & 12 weeks

11 & 12 weeks. I can hardly believe it! Canon is becoming such a! He is definitely no longer a fragile infant. He can hold his head up pretty steadily now and has been straightening his legs and trying to stand a lot! He is becoming much more engaged under his play mat and is grabbing into the little animals. This past week he found his right fist and looooves to stick it in his mouth and slobber all over! It is pretty easy to get smiles from his these days and he may have even laughed a little too! Since we have been home for all of November, we have been working on his naps. He is a great napper! He typically takes a morning nap, which can last between 35 min - 1 hour, a mid-afternon nap that I try to get 2 hours out of and then, if we aren't out, a late afternoon nap for about another 45 minutes. He is really great at putting himself back to sleep during naps, typically crying for about 6 minutes before he is out again. At night, not so great at putting h...

pinterest problems

Y'all. I probably have at least 120 recipes pinned on Pinterest. Between Crock Pot recipes, fall pumpkin recipes and sweet cravings, it is a lot. Here is the deal though, I've only made a hand-full of them. I see great recipes, pin them, never to return to actually make it! Then I'm left stressing out each night about what we are going to eat for dinner! Therefore, I am declaring the next 7 days my own personal Pinterest Recipe Challenge.   So, I totally stole the Graphic from YHL, who hosted a Pinterest Challenge at the end of October. Better late than never right? My plan is to make at least 1 recipe per day, preferably dinner, for the next 7 days or so. Here are the 8 recipes I wrote down last night, with an impromptu one that I already made this morning!    Weight Watchers Honey Mustard Chicken   Parmesan Crusted Chicken   Cinnamon Roll Waffles   Portabello Pesto Pizza   Crock Pot Ribs   Slow Cooked Carnitas Tacos   ...

double digits

 Yep, that's right. This guy is 10 weeks old today! And yes, I am fully aware that I skipped 8 & 9 weeks. Sorry! We were clearly super busy. Actually, we were home in Virginia for week 8, so that is my excuse for that one. As for last week...well I just didn't get it done. Anyway, the past few weeks have been really fun. Someone described having a baby to me as being under water, trying to swim toward the surface. I feel like somewhere around week 8 we finally broke through and got some air! As you hopefully saw in the October pictures, he is full of smiles! I get them a lot through out the day. He loves his play mat and looking up at all the animals, but every once and I while I'll catch up with his head turned sideways, looking at seemingly nothing, with the biggest grin on his face! He has certainly become more aware of when he is not happy though, and most definitely lets us know! I've especially figured out his "I'm tired" cry. Oh, and h...

October Round-Up

Here is a look at October through pictures! Canon's 1 month check up...yep, she wrote that he was adorable! My work - Denver K-Life , had a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser. We may or may not have eaten 3 plates each. snuggle time with daddy. love. he genuinely enjoys bathtime, yay! smiles and we are loving the beautiful fall weather, taking walks and watching the leaves change colors the beginning of what was supposed to be a great weekend in new orleans. short story is we missed our flight (not our fault), canon and i went standby to tampa with the assumption we could get on a plane to nola from there, only to find out that flight was overbooked. so, a night in a tampa hotel and we were headed back to denver.... ....good news, canon was awesome and slept almost the entire time and we're headed to new orleans over MLK weekend when we'll get to spend quality time with friends these pictures make me laugh - he did not want to open h...

Linking Up for Midweek Confessions

  I'm linking up with E, Myself and I today for Midweek Confessions! My friend Meagan got me invested in this blog and I love it. Here goes... * I obviously have not updated Canon's weekly photos for...oh 3 weeks now. Somehow getting him in a white onesie and taking a picture is just too difficult, ha!   * I never have everything I need when I sit down to nurse...and almost always it is a burp cloth I've forgotten. Poor Aaron, when he is home he is always having to come bring me one.  * Last Sunday, I got really confused with the time change about when I last fed Canon. I thought it was 9:30am, so I planned to feed him again at 12:30, once I got to the airport and checked in. When I finally sat down and checked my TotalBaby App, I had actually fed him at 8:30! Poor kid had to wait 4 hours instead of 3....I'm a terrible mother (just so everyone knows, he was asleep and probably didn't know the difference anyway!) * Monday morning I start...

6 weeks

6 weeks. This boy just keeps getting bigger and bigger! The past two weeks we've gone to the "Baby Weigh-In Clinic" at the hospital, where women can come and weigh their babies before and after feeding them to see how much they are eating...I'm not concerned with that because he is clearly getting enough! He weighed in this week at 10lbs 10oz!! I told Aaron that the reason we go is for the social aspect! It is fun to be in a room with lots of other moms and see all different "size" babies. Last week there were some 3 & 4 month olds who made Canon look tiny, but this week he was the oldest by 5 weeks and he looked huge! One of the women remarked that this was our playdate and I'm hoping that we can make friends and get some real play dates down the road! This week we have also been getting those smiles that were promised! It is so sweet to see him open that gummy mouth. Though I can't always get him to smile he still gives them to us a lot! He...

5 weeks

5 weeks have gone by so quickly. Canon is getting the cutest, fattest little cheeks and it makes me so happy. He loves to be swaddled and can easily be comforted by bundling him up in a good Aden & Anais blanket. I think he looks like a cocoon. He most often sleeps swaddled, but when he doesn’t, he always brings one of his hands up to his face or under his chin. We’ve discovered the Baby Bjorn and I love wearing him. It’s a good tool as well to keep him sleeping when we’re out.   He is awake more and more and is super alert. I can put him in a chair or swing and he’ll just stare up at a toy or even seemingly at nothing sometimes! He is starting to follow our voices and look for where we are. He is spitting up like crazy, but I hear that is normal.   We’re getting glimpses of smiles and are looking forward to when they are actually directed toward us! He loves his swing and is a great sleeper in it, though because we all know I’m crazy about him sleep...

Canon's Baptism

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.   Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon, this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood...