Now that we've had some time to settle in, we've begun to discover some of our favorite spots as well as get excited for new ones. Here is a list of things we're really excited about for our new life in Denver.
First of all, sports. One of the big draws to Denver for Aaron was the professional and college sports that are in abudance here. We're especially looking forward to the Rockies vs. Giants games in September, heading up to Boulder for some CU Football and walking over to DU for their lacrosse and ice hockey games. We're also pretty pumped about going out to the new Lutheran High School on Friday nights to watch their football games! I'm trying to convince Aaron to start coaching so we can live out Friday Night Lights.
We've also been introduced to a few great areas thanks to some friends we've made so far! We heard a lot about Washington Park before we moved here, so we've been up a few times to walk around at dusk. Its seriously gorgeous. There are 2 lakes and 2 huge flower gardens with lots of green space in between. Its amazing how many people are out there at all times of the day!
There are a few neighborhoods we've been introduced to for great food and fun, quaint, small town atmosphere. Recently we went up to Park Burger which is located in the South Pearl Street neighborhood. I immediately fell in love, especially when I saw the signs for their Rock the Block which featured some bluegrass music (which we actually missed, but I'm sure there will be another!)
This past weekend our new friend Tory introduced us to another cute little neighborhood on Gaylord St. We ate lunch at "The Local" and are looking forward to trying out all the others, espeically Wash Park Grille.
I also stumbled upon one of the Colorado Fresh Markets when returning items to Bed, Bath and Beyond the other Saturday. I'm super pumped about this local market. There were a lot of local produce stands, a great band playing and other food/shopping tents. I was intrigued by a new company called "Waffle Cakes" and really all I have to do is just show you the picture.
Unbelievable. I'm definitely returning for this one.
Clearly, how could we move to Colorado and not talk about all the wonderful outdoor adventures there are! I think every night we walk, even just around our block, we see the mountains and talk about how blessed we are to live here! This past weekend some friends showed me just how accessible quality hiking is! Up and back in an afternoon with just a short 15-30 minute car ride. On that note, Aaron is now convinced that we are going to hike all the Fourteeners in Colorado. I'll let you know how that ones goes, haha
Of course, I'm super pumped about being so close to Red Rocks. Can't wait to go to a concert!
Finally, I'm really excited about the ministry/church bodies I'm going to be a part of while in Denver. I'm leading a Life Group for The Annex, the Emmaus equivalent at CU Boulder. I'll have Junior girls, so it's at least a 2 year committment. I meet the girls this Thursday and I can't wait.
We're also attending Bloom Church in Denver on Sunday nights. I don't know about y'all, but my college church was the-church-that-no-other-church-compares and I think I might have found one that could challenge that. Acoustic worship mixed with liturgical aspects make it a great place for us. We're still attending Redeemer Lutheran on Sunday mornings too!
There are many more neighborhoods, restaurants, friends, mountains, etc that we have yet to discover and I can't wait to add more to our list!
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