Early November 9th, we welcomed our fourth son, Augustine Oliver Schultz into the world! He was another scheduled c-section, at 39 weeks and 1 day. He weighed 9lbs 1oz, coming in 2nd only to Ben in terms of birth weight! My mom came into town the Tuesday beforehand and we checked lots of things off our list. With the exception of organizing clothes (thanks friends!), I had literally done nothing to get ready. We cleaned the room that will become his bedroom, separated clothes and swaddles, bought a changing table/dresser combo and she even gifted us a deep freezer! It was a very productive 2 1/2 days! The night before we continued a tradition of eating out at a mexican restaurant. Then came home and did all our normal bedtime routines. The boys knew that when they woke up they would be with my mom and we would be at the hospital. Before we all went to bed, we ended up around the dining table brainstorming more names. Going into the summer/fall we were somewhat set on Ari August...