Today I am 32 weeks! It has been a pretty great 3 months of pregnancy since Christmas. Life just kind of keeps moving as it always has. Nights of needing to rest are becoming more and more frequent, as is feeling out of breath and not being able to move as much as I want, but I know those will come to an end. My belly is feeling very tight and stretched this week and I'm remembering the words I wrote about the end of my pregnancy with Ben. That was with only 5 weeks left and I have probably 7 left with this one!
I'll go to my doctor's appointment tomorrow and will hopefully schedule my c-section for Thursday May 18. That will be 39 weeks, so unless my body decides to make it happen earlier, that's the date! 7 weeks feels incredibly far and incredibly close at the same time. I've got my list going of what we need to do, but I also know there will be plenty of time for most of it after he comes. As long as I find a few onesies, swaddles, a car seat and swing, we'll be good!
We're narrowed down to 2, maybe 3, names. We'll probably take them all with us to the hospital and decide there!
Here are some pics of the pregnancy!
January 26 - 23 weeks
March 9 - 29 weeks
March 22 - 31 weeks
We are very ready for this baby boy to join us! I am seriously so excited to have another boy in our family. We're so in the dynamic of crazy "boy" things - sword fights, wrestling, ninjas, etc, that even though it'll take 2ish years for this one to get into all that, I'm so excited. I can't wait to have a baby and be on maternity leave in the summer! Warm days of rocking and sleeping outside while the big boys run around like crazy - I know it's not actually going to be like that the whole time, but I can dream! Maybe I'll squeeze in one or two more posts before he comes, but if this is the last thing I have to look back on, I want to remember that I am SO READY for him to come and that we are all SO EXCITED to add him to our family!
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