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Showing posts from February, 2015

Ben - 10 Weeks

This week you started daycare and have been a rockstar! You are sleeping fairly well for naps and you are eating 5oz each feeding from a bottle. Way to go big boy! I certainly miss hanging out with you all day though!

Ben - 2 months

Weight:  13.8 lbs! 81st % Eating:  Still breastfeeding! Got rid of "Moms on Call" and went to a more manageable/natural schedule. He eats around 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm. Then has been recently waking up to eat twice at night.  Sleeping:  Weeks 6-8 were rough.  We were dealing with the moving around, gurgling, choking noises. Then both boys got a big of a head cold, so Ben was waking up way more with congestion and it seemed like the only thing he wanted was to nurse. That led us to one night at about 8 weeks waking up and nursing every 1.5 hours. I was pretty done at that point. Our plan was to have Aaron get him settled on the "non-eating" wake-ups, and that worked pretty well. Then our pediatrician, at his 2 month appointment, strongly encouraged us to get him out of our room and let him cry a little to see if he really need to wake up or could just go back to sleep. Since then, it's been a much more pleasant experience. I nurse him to sleep arou...

Ben - 9 weeks

I'll have a full 2-month update after our pediatrician's appointment tomorrow. But for now, I can say this week (so far) is bringing a little better sleep, playtime with your brother and some fun new cooing sounds!

Mid-Month Confessions: February

It's that time again! Time to share all the "not so perfect" parenting moments that have happened recently! I love this link-up and the way it helps us realize that even though our Instagram reels might seem like we have it all together, we all mostly likely don't! Here are some of the "highlights" of our month so far! - I always bring coffee in a regular mug into the car and it is always too big for the cup holder and spill. This month, I used a clean newborn diaper to soak up the spilled coffee in my car. (At least I cleaned it!) - Speaking of the car - it is disgusting. So many sippy cups, clothes, blankets, etc. Also, I knowingly allowed leftover pizza to sit in the trunk for a few days because it has been so cold out that I knew it wouldn't start to smell. - I very happily got to pop pimples on both my boys this month! - After declaring my dislike for Facebook Messenger last month, I downloaded the app literally 2 days later. - Being the ...

Ben - 8 weeks

I was starting to feel a little guilty that I haven't taken any weekly photos of Ben like I did with Canon. I was just going to blame it on "2nd kid", but he's been growing so fast that I didn't want to miss out. I'm not going to let the past hold me back, haha! So off to Target we went this morning to pick up some white onsies to get our photoshoot on. While he isn't going to get all the fabric backdrops like Canon did, I'll hopefully be able to keep up this type of picture over the next 44 weeks! Here is Ben weeks 1-7: Birth Day! December 16th 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks

February Goals

As a recap, here are the goals I posted in January for the year and for maternity leave. Schultz Family 2015 Goals ·       pay off debt ·       take a trip to New Orleans or Nebraska ·       say the Lord’s Prayer with Canon each night ·       get a minivan (okay this is more one of my goals) ·       date night 1x/month ·       read the Augsburg Confession together ·       host at our apartment 1x/month My Maternity Leave Goals ·       enjoy the newborn/baby stage ·       get this baby sleeping mostly through the night ·       get him on a good napping schedule ·       figure out pumping at work ·       exercise 20 min eve...