Ben was born on December 16 via a scheduled c-section. We gave him the full 40 weeks to come out on his own, but my body wasn't having it. He weighed 9lbs 9oz and was 21in! We woke up Tuesday morning and enjoyed getting Canon ready and off to daycare the 3 of us. We had been doing a lot of prepping with him, so he knew we were going to the hospital to have Baby Ben and that MoMo was going to pick him up and it was going to be "a party" with her! We got to the hospital around 9:30am and by 10:30 we were in the pre/post operating room getting prepped. By 12 I was in the operating room getting my spinal tap. Oh man, that thing worked quickly!!! It wasn't 30 seconds before my toes started feeling all warm and they laid me down. Aaron came in and soon they were working on getting Ben out. I definitely couldn't feel any pain, but right at the point when they were pulling him out I felt a lot of pressure in my whole stomach/chest area. As soon as he came out ever...