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Showing posts from August, 2011

these boots are made for walkin'

Alright, those of my college friends might remember a pair of pink and brown boots that I love! I tried to find a picture of me in them, but I think they are all on my external hard drive. Anyway. Unfortunately, the very bottom of the heel sole fell off one of them at least 2 or 3 years ago. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I wore them! I've been diligently moving them around with me since, surprisingly keeping track of said fallen-off-sole-piece. Well, my friends, today is the day I finally fixed them! Last Sunday I wanted to wear them to church and remembered I had some double sided sticky wall tape in a drawer. It worked! but only for about 3 hours. Here are the remnants of that sad afternoon, Someone suggested that I just nail the sole back in. The combination of new jeans that are a bit long and not wanting to wear wedges gave me just the motivation to get out my hardware and give it a try! It was pretty simple. The fallen off sole was pretty rubbery,...

an exciting list

Now that we've had some time to settle in, we've begun to discover some of our favorite spots as well as get excited for new ones. Here is a list of things we're really excited about for our new life in Denver. First of all, sports. One of the big draws to Denver for Aaron was the professional and college sports that are in abudance here. We're especially looking forward to the Rockies vs. Giants games in September, heading up to Boulder for some CU Football and walking over to DU for their lacrosse and ice hockey games. We're also pretty pumped about going out to the new Lutheran High School on Friday nights to watch their football games! I'm trying to convince Aaron to start coaching so we can live out Friday Night Lights .   We've also been introduced to a few great areas thanks to some friends we've made so far! We heard a lot about Washington Park before we moved here, so we've been up a few times to walk around at dusk. Its seriously gor...

we didn't know what we were getting into

A few weeks ago, Aaron and I headed down to the new Ikea that just opened in Centennial. It had been open for about 9 or 10 days by that point. Aaron had never been to an Ikea before and I tried to let him know that it wasn't just a furniture store. 3 hours later, I think he got it! Also, because this one had just opened, there were swarms of people! I'm not kidding, I felt like I was going to a concert! Here are a few pics of things we (or I) liked! lots of event staff were needed - clearly they were working hard loved, loved, loved this dining table and chairs! I have a thing for white couches Aaron loved this floating bookshelf another white couch I'm contemplating this as the color scheme for the living room really liked these lights under the shelves as well as the bar to hang things along the backsplash grey floral curtains - i will be buying these soon! the bed I picked out the bed Aaron pic...

I couldn't have said it better This link is to my friend Rebecca's blog. Her and her husband, Cori, were married in June and just moved to Tampa, Florida. Her post is about missing New Orleans and I'm not sure I could have put it in better words. Rebecca spent 5 years in New Orleans, as opposed to my 2, but the sentiments about finding family and friends, structure and rhythm, meeting her husband and falling in love, are the same. Upon reading it this morning, tears filled my eyes as I realized how much I too miss New Orleans. I too miss my friends, our church, our favorite restaurants and our life there. As Rebecca said, "my sorrow reflects the joy that I was given". We are definitely loving Denver and feel very strongly that this is where God is for us, but we will always cherish the years we spent there and never give up on the family we made there. Love y'all!

house tour

Welcome to the new site! I switched over hoping it will be easier to navigate through posting pictures and text as well as keeping track with all my other blogs! Most of the blogs I follow are through blogspot, so I hope you'll check them out over on the right! We moved into our apartment a little under 2 weeks ago. Though we haven't done a whole lot, we have made some progress. Here are a few before (moving day) and after (how it looks right at this moment) pics! There is a lot left to be done, but we'll get there!! kitchen looking in - before     kitchen looking in - after from the kitchen looking into the living/dining room - before looking into the living area - after our temporary living room - after We have been super blessed to receive some furnishings from members of Aaron's school/church congregation. The recliner on the left was given to us and hopefully soon there will be a nice sage color slipcover over it. We...