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Showing posts from April, 2015

Ben - 4 months

Weight:  16.9lbs - 75th%ile Eating:  I'd guess we're at about 40/60 breastmilk/formula. He nurses in the mornings, sometimes, and sometimes gets formula. Then 2 bottles of breastmilk and 1 bottle of formula at daycare, each about 6oz. Then he gets 6-8oz of formula before bed. He has finally started only nursing once at night!  Sleeping:  With the exception of a few nights, we're getting into a new rhythm! Bottle, swaddle, rocking at 6:30/7:00, then into the crib drowsy, but awake. On a good night, we won't hear from him until between 2 and 4, when I nurse him, then he'll sleep until 7! We've had to let him cry it out a little this month, but he's done pretty well putting himself back to sleep! He is taking 2 naps at daycare, 9am and 1:45pm and sometimes sleeps on the way home around 4:30pm. The big change this month has been no swaddling!  Our daycare provider, Ms. B, started getting worried that he was going to roll over so she decided to keep him unswaddle...

Easter 2015

We had such a great day! We went to church, did the Egg hunt and had an eventful afternoon at our unofficial church's after party! It was a great day to celebrate with family and friends. And as Canon would say, we celebrated that "Jesus rose from the boat!" There's a good chance he is a little obsessed with Noah's Ark right now :) Here are the pictures!   He got a new football in his Easter basket!  After an afternoon of running through a not-yet-cleaned-for-the-summer fountain, this is what he looked like about .2 seconds into our ride home. Love this kid! And for comparison's sake, here is a look at previous years!  2013  2014 2015   I seriously can't believe how much he has grown in the last year! Look at those long legs!  The day after Easter, Aaron and I both had off work, so we were lucky enough to go to  the Nationals Opening Day!!!  (Sweet Ben gets his time t...