Weight: I'm going to guess around 15 lbs Eating: Mainly mama's milk! On weekdays when he is in daycare he nurses at 7am, and gets 2 bottles of breastmilk at 10am and 1pm. He gets a bottle of formula at 4pm, then I nurse him again around 7pm for bed. His bottles at daycare are 5oz. He still eats twice a night :( Sleeping: We've been changing things a lot, but I think we've finally found our consistent nighttime routine! He is back in our room for now, in the pack n' play. I nurse him around 7:00/7:30pm and he's asleep by 8:20. He wakes up anytime between 12:30 and 3:00am to eat and then again about 2.5 hours later. However , he has started sleeping through in between those feedings, so I'm okay with it! He takes 4 naps, 9am, 11am 1:30ish and then 4:30 when we leave daycare. Clothes: Some 3-6 months, but more and more the 6 month! Likes: People! Smiling and laughing, blowing bubbles, talking!! Saying "ohhhhh" a lot! Disli...