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Showing posts from March, 2015

Ben - 3 months

Weight:  I'm going to guess around 15 lbs Eating:  Mainly mama's milk! On weekdays when he is in daycare he nurses at 7am, and gets 2 bottles of breastmilk at 10am and 1pm. He gets a bottle of formula at 4pm, then I nurse him again around 7pm for bed. His bottles at daycare are 5oz. He still eats twice a night :( Sleeping:  We've been changing things a lot, but I think we've finally found our consistent nighttime routine! He is back in our room for now, in the pack n' play. I nurse him around 7:00/7:30pm and he's asleep by 8:20. He wakes up anytime between 12:30 and 3:00am to eat and then again about 2.5 hours later. However , he has started sleeping through in between those feedings, so I'm okay with it! He takes 4 naps, 9am, 11am 1:30ish and then 4:30 when we leave daycare.  Clothes:  Some 3-6 months, but more and more the 6 month!  Likes:  People! Smiling and laughing, blowing bubbles, talking!! Saying "ohhhhh" a lot!  Disli...

My Thing

I feel like everyone has got  something  going on these days. From homemade crafts, to workout groups, to kitchen ware, to jewelry - and then even blogs and instagram - its almost rare if you aren't making money in a "non-traditional" way! I have some very talented friends and family who have chosen these paths! My cousin  Hayden just launched her own Etsy shop selling custom art ,  Melanie is making beautiful kids clothing at The Twirl Shop , and  Katherine designs birth announcements and invitations ! My sister was a BeachBody coach for a little while and had us all drinking those shakes! Women are getting paid to write about products they love, share links to fashion sites and any other kind of advertising you can do on a blog! And all of these things are wonderful! If you have the talent and passion, pursue it! I am SO excited to say that my "something" is Rodan+Fields skincare! My friend Susan first approached me about it back in July and I ignored ...

Canon - 2.5 years

Wow, it was SO crazy to write that title. It's so cliche, but I can hardly believe I have a 2 AND A HALF year old!  This kid. He is hysterical. Even in the last 3 months he has grown so much. He talks non stop. And he is funny! He knows when he is being silly and sly, like responding to questions with the "wrong" answer as a game. He loves cars and trucks. One of his favorite things to do with Aaron is go to Target and look at the toys - and is okay leaving without one! He also loves "moooovies". He is caring and compassionate and if he thinks I am sad about something he'll always come over and give me a hug and kiss!  He is getting so tall. I look back at pictures of him and realize all of the baby has come out. He is becoming this long, lanky thing. He's in 2T/3T clothes and size 8/9 shoes. He also has decided he has preferences, so whether it is which shirt he is wearing (mater) or which pants (the brown ones) or which pajamas (bears or...