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Showing posts from August, 2014

California Summer 2014

We had the best time visiting Aaron's family in California a few weeks ago. I love that Canon gets to experience a lot of "country" things he doesn't necessarily get to here in Alexandria. We were super fortunate to get to spend time with Alex & Ashley, who flew out from Denver, and spend lots of quality time with Aaron's parents, extended family and good friends.  Aaron's Aunt Deina has a turkey as a pet! 

24 Weeks

by the way, if it hasn't been obvious, all photos courtesy of my work bathroom mirror!  How far along:  24 weeks! Baby Size:  a cantaloupe,10.5-11.8in and 12.7-20.8oz Weight gain:  +7 (however, that was 2 weeks ago so...) Maternity clothes: allll maternity - loving my full panel pants!    Sleep: potty break at least once through the night    Gender:  BOY! Movement:  yep! even tried to get Aaron to feel some the other night Best moment this week:  teaching Canon how to "kiss the baby" also - I think we're settled on a name, but haven't decided if we're going to share yet Looking forward to:  fall! cooler weather, schedules, new routine Food cravings:  nothing much      Anything making you queasy or sick:  nope   Labor Signs:  nope   What I miss:  nothing really, I'm enjoying being pregnant   Symptoms:...

this day

This day, August 25th, has been on our calendar all summer. Today is the day summer ends. Aaron goes back to work (teacher work week, kids don't come til the 2nd) and Canon starts 5-day/week daycare. I'll still be working 3 days a week at the church, then a few hours either from home or on campus the other 2 days. Its bittersweet. This day is the beginning of a new season. Our 2nd year in Alexandria, football, having a 2-year old (next THURSDAY - hold me), working more, cooler temps, schedule and routine, which we desperately need. But it also marks the end of the sweetest summer we've had. Aaron was home all summer and I only worked 3 days a week, which means Thursday - Sunday was family party time! We got to do so many fun things together, like go to the beach and camp and the sprayground, but we also spent a lot of time around the house soaking up the time we had together. As we move into this new season, and then the arrival of our next baby, I know we'll never ge...

What I've Been Cooking

When it comes to cooking, I'm either on a roll or lost. Since we're not eating out every night, I'm obviously cooking something, but when trying to come up with meals for the week, I often find myself thinking "well what did I make when we lived in Denver? In New Orleans?" Answer - I have NO idea. I seriously can't remember meals from one week to the next, let alone years! About a year ago I decided to make a new Pinterest board labeled "weekly menu" that helped me separate recipes that looked awesome (that I would never make) and recipes that would actually work for a random Tuesday night. That has helped some, but its not quite as extensive or reflective of what I'm actually cooking. So I was thinking it would helpful for my sanity to document semi-regularly meals that our family is enjoying. This is what we've been up to this summer: 1.) Ribs - Aaron got a crock-pot "recipe" from my mom and we've been loving it! This how...