Here is why I believe 2014 will be the best year yet! #1 - our apartment in Del Ray is awesome, and I've already met some great mom friends that live in the surrounding buildings! #2 - I got a new job! I'm working part-time M-W for a church in Fairfax. I am excited to be there, we have someone great coming to watch Canon at the apartment those days AND I get to be with him Thursdays & Fridays. SUCH a good set-up! #3 - year 3 of marriage! we've had some really good conversations about how we're going to invest in our relationship this year #4 - I've decided I'm going to start a book club #5 - did I mention I get to stay home 2 days/week? This means we have time to travel to see friends and family!!! #6 - our church/school community. we love Immanuel and now that we're settled, I'm ready to invest deep into these friendships we've made so far #7 - in my mind, I'm registered for a 5k in April with a friend and I've made it on th...