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February Goals

Happy February! I'm joining Elizabeth and Sarah to talk about B+ Goals for the month! I am loving the idea of setting up some attainable goals for each month, but also giving myself grace for meeting or not meeting them. This year I am focusing on my Physical and Spiritual Health.

First, a quick review of January's Goals.

January Physical Health Goals:
* hit my 10,000 steps 4 days of the week (I work a desk job, so this means I'll have to do some extra walking either before or after work)
* track my food 
January Spiritual Health Goals
* read Simply Tuesday by Emily P Freeman
* start my day with Jesus Calling and First 5 App

 As my husband would say, I won more days than I lost in January! My fitbit broke 3 weeks into January, so the last week and some I wasn't able to track, but I did get to the gym to run a few times without it. I also tracked more food than I didn't and the days we were at work I did really well staying within a healthy range. The snow days however...well that is something I'm still recovering from!
Spiritually, I was probably 50% on this goal, but that is a lot more than December, so I am calling it a win! 

February goals are to continue with January in terms of Physical and Spiritual Health and gain even more ground on my consistency with those. For February I want to add some tidiness goals, which I think will improve my mental space which in turn will help me improve on my overall 2016 goals. 

1. Make bed daily. I read this post and decided it was a must goal for February. She says "the simple task of making my bed made a HUGE difference in my life and in my home".

2. Tidy Up daily. I'd say the number 2 "fight" between Aaron and I is daily upkeep of our home. In theory I want to have a tidier home, but often resent him for the work I have to do to keep it that way. This month, I'm going to tidy up daily because I know it is something that will bring me joy, so I am responsible for giving that to myself. Emily's Blog post about tidying was a good reminder to just do it.

So, while February goals don't fall exactly under Spiritual and Physical, I know that by making the bed and having a visually clean kitchen, I'll feel much more free to put time and effort into my overall health.

Are you a goal setter? Have you made any small changes with big impact? I'd love to know!


  1. I find making the bed each morning really does make me happy! I'm the only one who cares about it, but I feel like it starts my day off right. :) Glad you're joining in!

  2. Ok, so I have definitely noticed that the mornings I make my bed, I really do feel better about starting the day! It's kind of ridiculous to me that this has any effect on my day, yet somehow it does! haha. My mom would be so proud.

    1. That is good to know! We're 11 days in and so far it has been wonderful! Thanks for reading!


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