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Greenville Visit October 2015

Over Columbus Day weekend my mom and I took the boys down to South Carolina to visit my family. On Friday morning we loaded up the minivan and headed out for a long drive. Never was I more happy to have a van when we could fit everything we needed in the trunk and I could still see out the back window. Oh, and having a DVD player is pretty nice too :)

We stopped at Chick-Fil-A about half way down to let the boys get out some energy. This kid showed off his flirting skills the whole time!

We arrived in Greenville at my aunt Fran's house right about dinner time. She has two boys and saved some of their toys and Canon was very happy to play with these army guys all weekend! We had dinner Friday night with everyone, including Grandmama, Jake and Nick! We woke up to rain on Saturday, but that didn't stop us from having a great day!

Canon came to Clemson in 2013, when he was just over a year old, so this was an entirely different experience. He kept asking to go see the "Football guys" and was really into everything!

Though we missed Tiger Walk, we did wait and watch the band come through. It was SO FUN and totally worth it. Canon was mesmerized by all the instruments and people, he even got to give the Tiger cub a high five!
Right after the band passed us I was hold Canon and everyone started to do our cheer. I couldn't even get through it - looking up and Canon doing the cheer with everyone around us, I totally started to cry. I was so proud and it was such a moment getting to share the place I love so much with my boys!!

My cousin Nick is a senior at Clemson this year and we'll be so sad when he graduates. Of 8 cousins, 4 of us attended (and only 2 of the 8 parents did). Sharing Clemson with my family, when I didn't grow up with it, has been such a blessing!!

We got home in time to watch most of the game on TV and get a few more family photos before it was everyone's bedtime.

Sunday we woke up early and drove to Charlottesville to see Amanda's family. Piling everyone into the van was another favorite moment! Canon and Cole in the way back, Ben, MoMo and Wes in the middle and us up front. Normally when we go places we have to take 2 cars, so until one of us has another baby, we'll enjoy riding together!

The boys in their matching PJs! Cole - 4.5, Canon - 3, Wes - 23 months and Ben - 10 months!


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