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baby update

2 weeks out, at most. Hopefully sooner. Canon was a c-section due to "failure to progress", so I've essentially been weighing the decision all pregnancy on whether to schedule a 39 week c-section (which would be NEXT TUESDAY!) or try for a VBAC. I'll admit that both are very appealing to me, maybe even more so the scheduled c-section (an earlier arrival, further away from Christmas, it is what I know, etc), but I've decided to wait it out and see what my body can do. I've scheduled the c-section for my due date and am hoping that something will happen beforehand. I'll definitely go the epidural route and have been reading up on lots of birth stories to try and prepare my mind. Of course, at this point, every little twitch, stretch and discomfort I'm evaluating in hopes that its a contraction! I have to be honest and realize that my worst case scenario - laboring for a long time just to end up with a c-section - is also my most likely scenario, but I'm trusting that the Lord has a plan and even if its going in for the scheduled operation on my due date, so be it. At least my hair and make-up will be done :)

People have been asking recently if we are ready or if we have everything we need. Honestly, yes and no! There are so many reasons why we're not quite as ready as we were with Canon, mainly being me working, but also a lot of it is feeling like "well, its all somewhere" or "we're still using it/don't have room yet". Also, we live in a small apartment and we don't have a dedicated nursery this time around so its a bit harder to get settled and organized.

In our house we currently have:
car seat
car seat fleece cover
some clothes
glider (which needs to be moved out of Canon's room, but we're still using it every night for him)
dresser (which needs to be moved into Canon's room)
some bibs and burp cloths

Things that would be ideal to accomplish before he comes:
rearrange the living room
wash all the baby clothes (which means getting another load from my mom's house)
move the dresser into Canon's room and organize all the clothes into it
move the current bookshelf out of Canon's room
get the bath tub from my mom's
wash/strip our cloth diapers (anyone have a good recommendation for the best way to do this?)
go on one more date 
pedicure/manicure? or wait til after he is born as a chance to get away?
have friends over for dinner next week
make some freezer meals
buy pacifiers, burp cloths, socks
we need to either find our swing or borrow/buy a mamaroo (which is what I really want to do)
find the nursing cover
big brother/little brother presents
is there anything y'all can think of that I'm missing?

Wish me luck! Aaron's class has a little pool going and he picked the 12th. My friend Nicole had her baby after a full moon and there is one on the 6th, so we'll see! That list all of a sudden feels pretty long, so maybe I'll be hoping for a later arrival to try and get it all done. Hooray for nesting!! 


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