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Halloween 2014

We started Halloween the Sunday beforehand with a test run of our costume for the Halloween Parade and Haunted Maze down on the main drag of Del Ray. Though we missed the actual parade (why do they always nap longest when there's actually something fun to do afterwards?!), Canon happily adorned his Olaf costume to play on the playground and go through the maze. Throughout this "Halloween season", I've learned my child really loves things that are scary. Or at least doesn't get the concept of scary. So while we there were creepily dressed up clowns and chain-saw noises throughout this maze (don't worry, it was 5pm, still light, in an open area), he laughed through the whole thing! That kid.... :) Then we carved our pumpkin and called it a successful afternoon! 

On Halloween I got lunch with the cutest little Chick-Fil-A cow you've ever seen! Canon was at daycare, dressing up and taking pics with his friends there. We swung by and got him after nap and then joined Meg & Chris & Avery again for pizza and trick-or-treating. Both Canon and Avery really got into the whole event, walking up and down the streets and digging for candy. I loved it! Halloween is so much more fun as a parent. We lasted about an hour, then tried to get more photos in our apartment stairwell. We are so lucky to have such great friends live right next to us to play with all the time!

 And last but not least, to round out the weekend, Canon had his last soccer practice. Aaron took him since I was feeling sick and apparently his coach said he was having "a challenging day"! Ha! We got a picture no less because it was such a fantastic experience for him and us! I would highly recommend getting your toddler involved in a group activity - no matter what it is! It was a great family time for us to get outside, watch Canon interact with others and laugh a lot! Thanks Coach Liz for a great season!


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